With only two weeks to go until the holidays you would think things would be winding down. However, the week ahead is looking far too busy!
PMP-bring your PE gear
Matariki Colouring Competitions for Junior and Middle children will go out today. They need to be back to the office by next Thursday afternoon.
Prize winners announced at Assembly next week. COOL PRIZES!!!
We have a Matariki Liturgy in the hall at 10am, all are welcome to attend.
PMP-bring your PE gear
PMP-bring your PE gear
The Cultural dinner will be at 5.30pm on Wednesday, all families are most welcome.
9.00am Junior Cross Country
Parents are most welcome to come and watch their children run in the school Junior Cross Country. The event is run in age groups, the 5 year olds will be starting at 9.15am sharp. The race is over pretty quickly , so if you do want to come and cheer them on, I would suggest staying at school and helping out as they get ready to run.
A visit from Hunter Valley Grammar School (29 students + 4 teachers) from Australia who are in Rotorua, will be performing for us next Thursday at 1.30pm.
Their performance time is approx 30-40mins, parents are welcome to come and watch.
One more thing, I just have to share this picture of Rory. He got player of the day last week at soccer and his dad took these amazing pictures. You can clearly see Rory slicing his way like a premiership player. Way to go Rory!

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