Sunday, 11 June 2017

Week 7

What an exciting day we had last Friday - wonder if we can top that this week?

Tuesday - PMP. Please bring your gear.

Wednesday - Singing Practice 8:45am sharp. Please be at school early so we can leave class together at 8:45am.

Wednesday - STEM afternoon. If you have any newspapers, empty toilet paper rolls, empty paper towel rolls, cardboard boxes, string etc.....please bring them into class. We will be able to create lots of things with them and would be most grateful. 

School Photos - FRIDAY. Children need to be in their correct uniforms. You can wear your polar fleece to school but these are not allowed in the official photos. We will borrow jumpers if/when needed. The last day to order photos through the school is THURSDAY 12:30pm. After this date you will need to make arrangements directly with Photolife. Our class slot is just before morning tea.

ASSEMBLY  -  FRIDAY.  IT'S  OUR  TURN  -  YAY! This week only assembly is starting at 1:30pm so the children who did J-Rock can do their perfomance for the school. We are going to be learning a couple of items during the week - our items will follow the J-Rock performance. If your child brings home a part, please help them to learn it. All parents, friends and family members are welcome to come and watch our assembly - the children get a real kick out of seeing you there.

Reading Eggs - it's great to see more of you using Reading Eggs. It is a great tool in helping your child with their reading. Mr Macmillan is running a "Lions Promotion Competition". Every time a child in our class moves up two levels on reading eggs, they receive a ticket to go into the draw to win prizes. Prizes are currently in the hall foyer cabinet if you wish to have a look - lots of rugby prizes. The draw will be done at the end of the term - we will be printing weekly reports to see who gets tickets. We will have a jar in class to put the tickets in. Some children in our class managed to get more than 4 tickets each last week!!

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