Sunday, 10 December 2017

Week 9 - Last week of the term and school year :O(

WOW! I cannot believe this week has rolled around so fast - not too mention that the year has gone just as fast. Seems like only yesterday we had the first day of school. It has been an amazing year with all of your children - they're an awesome bunch of critters and have some pretty amazing parents too :0)

There are lots of things happening this week...keep checking the blog throughout the week in case updates/changes are made. Anything is possible in the last week of school :0) Fingers crossed I haven't missed anything - way too many balls to be juggling in the last week of school!

9:45am Principal's Morning Tea - children will have brought home a wee note on Friday if they are going. We'll remind them in the morning.
11:15 Christmas on the field. Fingers crossed the rain stays away. All classes will be performing a song or two. Parents and families are most welcome to join us.
1:30 Swimming for Room 18. Bring your togs, towel and a plastic bag.

9:00 Prizegiving. If your child is receiving a class prize, you will have received notification in the envelope with their class for next year. 
1:30 Swimming for Room 18. Bring your togs, towel and a plastic bag.

8:45 Singing Practice
9:30 Meet the Teacher - students will get to meet their teacher for 2018 and see who else in in their class. This will be for half an hour.
11:00 Junior Athletics - on the field. All parents and families are welcome. Please put sun block on your children before they come to school that day. Bring you PE gear to wear and a hat.
1:30 Swimming for Room 18. Bring your togs, towel and a plastic bag.

1:30 Tryathlon for the junior school (middle and senior are earlier in the day). Please bring to school wheels (either a bike you can ride by yourself or a scooter) & a helmet, togs and towel.

11:00 Missioning of the Year 6 children in the hall.
12:00 SCHOOL CLOSES FOR THE YEAR! If you require your children to be in after school care, please contact Mary-Ann Roling on 021 121 5599 to book in.

School Magazines are available from the office for $5 - there are only 100 copies so get in quick if you wish to purchase one.

Phew! If we weren't already exhausted we are definitely going to be by the end of the week!

Familiar readers will come home each night this week. Please ensure that you read with your children each night to keep home routines going. Remember to get lots of sleep and drink lots of water too.

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