Monday - Miss Ryan and Mrs Holmes are away visiting other schools that are also doing play based learning. Mrs Thomson and Mrs Groves will be in our class and are looking forward to seeing you all again.
Monday - Hiwi the Kiwi performance 9:00. This is for the whole school - what a treat for a Monday! Keep an ear out for his environmental message.
Wednesday - Singing Practice 8:45 sharp. Please make sure you are at school by 8:40 so we can head promptly to the hall and be ready to start at 8:45.
Thursday - Go For It.
Friday - Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop Mass 9am in the church. All friends and family are welcome to come and celebrate this special feast day with us. Mary Mackillop, the founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph, started our school over 100 years ago down at Ohinemutu Village. In 1924 the school moved to its current site and was originally called St. Michael's. Our name changed in 1958. Until very recently we have had Sisters of St. Joseph on our staff. Sister Carina was the last sister on our staff and continues to take an interest in the children, families and staff of St. Mary's. Sister Carina now does a lot of pastoral work for our parish. One of Mary Mackillop's famous sayings was "never see a need without doing something about it". We strive to follow in her footsteps.
Friday - 11:00 - 12:30 Mary Mackillop Feast Day activities. The whole school will be participating in various activities to learn more about Mary Mackillop and celebrate the amazing woman she was. You are welcome to join us for our activities.
Student Led Conferences - What a huge success these were! A massive thank you to all the families that came to see us and your enthusiasm towards celebrating your children's accomplishments over the last term. The new goals are just about ready to be put up on the blog - in the meantime here are some pretty awesome family photos.
And on a slightly different note - Miss Ryan went for a long walk this morning and found this pretty cool creature on the way back! I couldn't believe how big it was - had to put my foot next to it (I'm an 8 1/2 shoe size). Definitely bigger than the worms we had in class!
See you all on Tuesday
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