Sunday, 19 February 2017

Week 4

It's lovely to see the sun out today - hope you have been able to get outside and enjoy it. The children did very well being stuck inside for two days last week. Lots of calm quiet activities going on.

Swimming - Everyday this week. Bring your togs, towel and a plastic bag to put your wet things in.

PMP - Monday - Wednesday. Please bring your school PE shorts and your school sports t-shirt for PMP. If you currently do not have either, any shorts and t-shirt is fine. This is especially important for the girls as it makes it so much easier to move around - dresses tend to get in the way and get tangled. 

House Groups - Here is the list of who is in what house. Siblings should be in the same house - if they are in different houses, please let me know and I will sort it out. There will be a full list up in Room 18.

  • Pompallier - Ama
  • Whakaue - Lukas, Makahae, Te Haeata, Lucas, Carlee
  • Mill Hill - Kaea, Peyton
  • McKillop - Caden, Rebecca
GALA items - remember to put a tally next to your child's name for each item they bring in. Place your GALA items in the green box by the door. Plastic bags are appreciated - bring in on any day. If you are able to help of the day of the GALA, this would also be appreciated by our PTA - they are in need of help. Contact Renee on 021 902 530 or 
  • Monday - Tinned goods/Bags of Sweets
  • Tuesday - Nacho Day
  • Wednesday - Bathroom Toiletries Day
  • Thursday - Books & Packet/Boxes Day
  • Friday - Bottle Day (bottle or jar of something - NO ALCOHOL)
Young Vinnies Disco - Tuesday Lunchtime. Children can bring mufti to school to change into - this is optional. Entry fee is a gold coin donation - funds raised will be going to St. John's church.

Golden Time - Friday - Mr Macmillan is organising a whole school tug-o-war for Golden Time this week. We will be competing in house groups. Juniors compete together, then the middles/seniors compete.

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