Monday, 27 February 2017

A busy Monday afternoon

Promise Ceremony - We all made promises that we are going to keep during Lent. Our promises are a little something extra we can do during Lent to be more loving and helpful to others.


Next came the Holiday Reading Log draw. 3 of our students names were drawn out. Lucky them!



After all that sitting we needed to stretch our legs and muscles.





Andrew and Rory were fascinated by the huge weta climbing on the tree. The weta must have been a tad shy though because he scuttled away pretty fast.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Week 5 - It's a busy week

There are lots of events happening at school this week including 5.1 testing for many of our children. The 5.1 testing is the school entry tests that show us what your child knows and what their next learning steps are. When testing has been completed, we will make appointments with you to discuss your child's results. Testing will take most of this week to complete. Appointments will begin the following week.

Disco Money Raised - The Young Vinnies Disco on Tuesday raised $250 - a fantastic effort. The money raised is being donated to the parishioners of St. John's, to help with the church rebuild after the devastating fire.  

Promise Ceremony - 1:30 Monday in the school hall. You are all most welcome to attend this ceremony. Usually this ceremony is held on Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday), however the middle and senior school are at swimming sports on Tuesday so we are having it on Monday. During this ceremony we offer up prayers for ways in which we are going to be more loving and helpful during Lent. 

Holiday Reading Log Draw - will take place on Monday at 2pm (straight after the Promise ceremony) in the hall.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy - 9am Wednesday in the church. All friends and family are welcome to attend this liturgy celebration with us. Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent which is one of the most important times of the year, in the Catholic calendar. Lent a time of fasting, almsgiving and prayer - showing how we can be more like Jesus through our words and actions.


These are the items to bring in this week. If you have items that were listed on other days that you wish to bring in, please feel free to bring them in on any day. If you are able to help in some way on the day of the GALA, please contact Renee - contact details are in the weekly school newsletter & in the week 4 notices on our blog. A big THANK YOU to those children who have already been bringing in items to support the GALA - lots of house points to award.

Monday 27/02
Books, toys and Baby Elephant - Board games, children’s sporting equipment, CD's, DVD's, play station games, jigsaws, corn chips, tinned tomatoes
Tuesday 28/02
Tinned goods, bags of sweets - e.g. beetroot, fruit, peaches, Mackintosh’s, jet planes, licorice allsorts.  Any preloved baskets or platters you no longer require would be gratefully accepted for the quick fire raffle. Baby elephant items, soccer boots, books etc
Wednesday 01/03
Grocery, fresh fruit and vegetables day - Please bring to school any grocery items, tinned goods or fruit/vegetables from your garden e.g. tomatoes, feijoas, lettuce, zucchini etc
Thursday 2nd
Cakes, biscuits, muffins, sweets, fudge, coconut ice, sweets, toffee apples and any fresh produce
Points to note - No fresh cream items please; cake boxes will be given out to all students for our coffee and cake stall and will be priced by our PTA.
Baby Elephant includes – children’s toys, sports gear, CD’s, DVD’s, puzzles, games, lego, books
PLEASE NO damaged or broken second hand goods
All gala contributions to be taken to classroom as each item received wins 1 point towards your house; the class that receives the most points (pro-rata on number of children per class) wins a surprise lunch!!!  The class that brings in the most cakes also wins a special prize

Tug-o-War - Golden Time Friday. Our whole school Golden Time was postponed last week as there were many items to get through in assembly - most importantly the naming of the school leaders. So this week for Golden Time, we will be doing the tug-o-war (weather permitting). Juniors (Yr1&2) compete together and middles/seniors (Yr3-6) compete together. It's a great event and there's nothing like a bit of friendly rivalry between the houses. Assembly will follow Golden Time at 2:15 in the hall.

PMP - Mon-Wed. Remember to bring your PE gear to get changed into for PMP on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. PMP is a programme designed to help children understand themselves and be aware of their world through movement. Find out more on

Monday, 20 February 2017

What a crazy afternoon!

Phew! Miss Ryan and Mrs Holmes survived. The children had a blast doing swimming and PMP (Perceptual Motor Programme) this afternoon. Some fast changes from our swimming togs happening too.

Follow the train

Open the "happy stick" gates / Close the "happy stick" gates

Rolling and balancing the "happy sticks" - tricky, tricky!

Guinea Pigs

Thanks Mrs Strathern for bringing in the guinea pigs to see us. We used very gentle hands when patting them.