Wednesday, 31 May 2017

What a challenging afternoon!

Lots of new activities develop our fine motor skills, problem solving skills, thinking skills and managing ourselves. There were a few "I can't" moments which we turned into "I'm going to try" moments. All in all very focused learners.

Can you fill the shape without going onto the coloured tape?



How many drops of water can you get onto the coin before it spills over the side?

Lego challenges - Can you build your name with lego? Can you build an upside down house? Can you build an animal with lego? Can you build something starting with B?



Can you get the marble to the end of the box maze? Can you get the marble through all the tunnels without it falling off the plate?


Can you build a structure with sticks and pegs?






Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Today we have...

...been learning how to problem solve, develop our cutting skills, and develop our fine motor skills

...been learning about foxes - what they can do, what they like, what they are. We were also learning how to draw a fox using ovals, rectangles, circles and triangles.

...been very focused reading our books and poems after eating morning tea. Mileage is one of the keys to being successful in reading.

...been learning how to work together and share what we are using

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Week 5

Here's what is happening this week

Monday - Miniball practice (Cougars and Lynx)
               - PMP - girls need shorts and t-shirts (boys it's optional)

Tuesday - PMP - girls need shorts and t-shirts (boys it's optional)

Wednesday - Singing practice at 8:45am. PLEASE ARRIVE AT SCHOOL EARLY

A note from our DRS:
We are holding an information evening on:

‘What it means to attend a Catholic School’.

This is for anyone to attend who would like to know more about the unique aspects we cover at St Mary’s and the promotion of Catholic values as a Catholic School. We will look into the RE content taught, Sexuality programme taught, expectations and community spirit as well.
WHEN: 5.30 - 6.30pm, Wednesday 31st May 2017,
WHERE: St Mary’s School, Rooms 14.
WHO: New families, those interested in continuing in the Catholic education system via JPC.

The children enjoyed the Pentecost Mass on Friday and loved wearing their holy spirit flames - they were very well behaved. Thanks to all those parents who were able to come along and celebrate with us. Thanks also to my buddies Max and Tumanako who helped me take photos.