Sunday, 30 April 2017

Week 1 - Term 2 - Welcome Back!

Haven't the holidays just flown by! I hope you have had a restful and enjoyable holiday with your families. I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. It's a quiet week to start the term.

No PMP this week as Mrs Kemp is away all week.

Uniform - Full winter uniform is expected from this week. Hats are optional this term. On the school website, you can order uniforms by clicking in the Our Uniform tab and adding the items you need.

ANZAC Liturgy - Monday 10am in the hall. You are all welcome to attend our liturgy to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Resurrection Liturgy - Tuesday 10am in the hall. You are all welcome to attend our liturgy to celebrate this important day.

Holiday Reading Logs - Hopefully you've been remembering to add all your holiday reading to your log. Remember when others read to you, this can also be added. Start bringing the logs into class this week so they can be added to the reading log draw. 

School Singing - Wednesday 8:45am. Please be at school by 8:40 so we can head to the hall promptly at 8:45.

See you tomorrow

Thursday, 13 April 2017

School closing early today

We have been advised by the Ministry of Education to close school by 1pm today. Please collect your your child/children from their classroom at 12.30 today. Thanks. Apologies for the short notice.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Thursday - Mufti Day

We are having a mufti day on Thursday to help the flood victims in Edgecumbe.
Bring some coins to help make a coin trial, the people need our help.
Sorry for the late notice:)
Mufti  Mufti  Mufti  Mufti  Mufti

Big Day Out - Hot Pools













A huge
 to all the mums and dads who were able to come on our trip. You made the day fun for the children and stress free for the teachers - a win win.

Big Day Out - Rock Pool Photos